Member Benefits
Aqualane Shores Association provides members with two-way communication on topics of interest. Messages and newsletters keep members informed of news from the City of Naples and Collier County that affects our community. The Association also provides members with access to the leadership and staff of the City of Naples when questions or concerns about the community need to be addressed.
“The Friendliest Neighborhood in Naples” sponsors monthly social events during the season so that members can mix and mingle in various social settings, providing opportunities to meet neighbors from throughout the community. Examples of social events include holiday parties at local venues and restaurants, beach food/drink gatherings, guest speakers from the community, visiting local Naples attractions.
Liaison with the City of Naples
The Board of Directors and Committee Chairs have relationships with various departments at the City of Naples and can assist in communicating about questions from individual members. The President of Aqualane Shores Association is a member of the City Manager’s President’s Council comprised of the heads of all Community home owners associations in Naples. The Council meets monthly to be briefed on City projects and to share information.
Neighborhood Safety & Improvements
The Aqualane Shores Association works collaboratively with the City of Naples on many projects that support resident safety and neighborhood improvement. Past examples of this include: installation of natural gas lines, fiber optic internet throughout Aqualane Shores, updated signage at entrances, neighborhod crosswalk signals. Members of our association receive regular updates on these projects.
Resident safety is a high priority for the City of Naples. The Chief of Police or City Manager attends the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors to provide updates, answer questions and resolve issues relating to the safety of the community. The City of Naples Police Department provides Aqualane Shores with a Community Police Officer who patrols the community and oversees safety. He/she also attends the monthly Board meetings.
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